Chinese Calligraphy 書法 Demonstration for 

Chinese New Year Celebration

@ Jusgo Supermarket 百佳超市 (Asia World Market), Plano

February 14, 2015


There are four Chinese calligraphers writing today: Mr. Yu, Shunbo, Jinki, and Joshua.

Please visit their Facebook albums for larger pictures.

感謝書法同道一起前來助興, 讓春節活動留下美好的回憶, 使書法推廣在達拉斯與各種社團節目能夠更加密切配合.





情系中華神州--2015美國達拉斯華人首次快閃 video


Rejoice in the Year of Goat and Become a Billionaire

This is a phrase I found on the Internet just days ago. 

I have written it several times these days to wish everyone and myself prosperity and wealth. 

洋洋得意 and 羊羊()have and the same pronunciation.

億 = 100,000,000



感謝亞美傳媒 ( ) 王海霞女士於2014年12月中邀請順波姐與我在今年2月14號的百佳超市快閃春節活動表演書法.

經過兩個多月的籌劃與聯絡, 終於使得此活動圓滿成功.



The opening ceremony was pretty short. The event began immediately with dancing, singing, and then was followed by lion dance.

Lion dancing took pretty long, long time than everyone expected. 

The lions walked through every lane and corner of the supermarket to cast away evils and bring prosperity.

However, the drums and cymbals were so noisy for a long, long time. 

We were waiting for the lion dance to end, but it continued for another two sessions both indoors and outdoors.

As long as the cymbals were playing, the musical group could never start their program. 

If they did not finish playing the folk music, the calligraphy and art groups could not start due to the availability of space and tables.


Finally we had space and tables to start calligraphy demonstrations after the music performance.



Tiger roars and dragon bellows.





Full of joy or jubilation for a friend of Jinki




喜氣洋洋 書法(行草書)





If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper.





Which would you prefer? Chinese calligraphy written during a noisy or a quiet moment? Unmounted with wrinkles or mounted?



When I started to write this pair of couplet for Jusgo Supermarket at the very end of today's demonstration, I was informed with the wrong word (as shown at left.) Then I had to rewrite and was worrying that I only had three pieces of red paper left... Furthermore, the supermarket staffs were moving chairs and vases next to me causing noises, and people were having unrelated business conversations just in front of me (even though I politely asked them not to), how could I concentrate? I told Mr. Chen, VP of Jusgo Supermarket, that I would rewrite a better version and then mount it and it will be much more presentable. 


 佳品迎客 (L) / 百福新歲 (R)

Another version written later during a quiet moment. Mounted to remove wrinkles.



Cell phone batteries of Meng's and mine were almost out due to taking pictures at the early stage of today's programs.

Thus, we took limited number of pictures during the calligraphy demonstrations.


After today's event, I had dry eyes due to long wear of contact lenses and was still coughing. 

A friend was asking me to go to a business meeting I did not want to go. On Valentines Day???

There were disagreements between friends, just like today's arrangement of schedules and tables...

Staffs of the supermarket were moving tables and causing troubles when I wrote the last couplet for the supermarket to hang.

People called me after the event and asked me when the event was going to start or end...

Finally, we had time for early dinner around 4 PM.

One thing I learned from Rothey is not to even recognize the dilemma from friends' disagreements to go to different places.

Rothey has been a great thinker and philosopher.








Videos are still being compiled...will be added later.




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All selected videos and pictures have been uploaded on 2014.xx.xx.