Theories of Chinese Calligraphy
calligraphy has a special theory and a concept called “Gee & Se (
).” "Gee" means fast while "Se" means not slippery, and
somewhat slow. These two words are to be understood in metaphysical and artistic
perspectives rather than in literal meanings. Gee and
Se are the two sides of a coin. They can only be obtained by
understanding and applying the Center Tip Principle
( 中
). This is why ancient
Chinese calligraphers always overstressed the importance
of the Center Tip Theory.
In contrast, Western and Japanese calligraphy mostly don’t have the “Gee & Se” effects (except very few Japanese master calligraphers). Japanese calligraphy usually looks more fast and somewhat slippery which is the opposite of “Se.”
Nowadays many Chinese calligraphers don’t
understand the concept of “Gee & Se” at all. Some may have never heard of
it or may misunderstand and twist it. Some Chinese calligraphers may also interpret this metaphysical concept differently from each other. And some of them
try to blend Western and Japanese approaches into Chinese calligraphy. The artistic
levels of blended approaches may vary depending on the individual artist’s level and
the Center Tip Principle, a highly regarded Chinese calligraphy work will generate
the following effects:
§ 3.1 - Awl Drawing on Sand “Zuei Hwa Sa” ( 錐 劃 沙 )
all know writing on paper is a two-dimensional activity while sculpting is three-dimensional. However, this is not so for a Chinese calligrapher who
has reached a level that can exemplify “Gee & Se.” If a calligraphy work
has attained the effect of Awl Drawing on Sand, it looks like at least
three-dimensional. When an awl is used to draw on sand, the sand renders two
waves alongside each stroke. If the awl goes in deeply enough, the waves will be
higher and more magnificent. Since the sand is never slippery, it has frictions when an
awl is traveling on it. The more friction it has, the less likely the work will look
plain, superficial, or just two-dimensional.
Taking Yen Jen-Ching’s ( 顏 真 卿 ) famous work for example, when we observe the top three characters in the left column, they have different shades of ink density. They look as if the second character is flowing on top of the first one on a different level of plane; the third character also looks like flowing on top of the second character, and so on. When we take a closer look of the entire work, we may find some characters flowing on other levels of dimension compared with their preceding characters. This makes a Chinese calligraphy work looks like a multi-dimensional display (only if the viewer knows how to appreciate!)
§ 3.2 - Pressing Seal “Inn Inn Nee” ( 印 印 泥 )
Chinese calligraphy work using the Center Tip technique will also have the effect of
“Pressing A Seal.” When a seal is pressed onto a piece of paper, it usually looks more
solid, firm, and deeper than an ordinary writing and is "unmovable" and
"undetachable." With the vertical force going through the paper from
the brush tip, such effect can only
be exemplified using the Center Tip Principle.
a work is not done with enough Center Tip technique, most of the strokes in a
character will look weak as if they are detachable. They will look like a building
without strong foundation and framework as if its structures can be easily detached or
knocked down. (This is also a way to tell good Chinese calligraphy works from bad ones
for anyone who has not even learned Chinese calligraphy at all.)
§ 3.3 - Cracking House Effect “Wu Lo Heng” ( 屋 漏 痕 )
性向下,故水珠重心必居中央,而牆面由于凹凸不平,所以屋漏下滴非一瀉直下,牆 面凸起部分漏水所受阻力小,其流自暢,其勢則疾,而其跡乃真,凹下部分則反之,所以 屋漏之水,雖自上而下,大致垂直,但細處自必蜿蜒曲折,節節頓挫。
effect generated by the Center Tip Principle is the Cracking Wall (or House) Effect. Say
we want to hang a picture on the wall so we put a nail into the wall. If the hammer
and nail are not strong enough, we just make a hole for the picture. But if
the hammer VERTICALLY strikes the nail in with MORE POWER, the wall may crack.
Furthermore, if we use a powerful drill to make a hole, the wall cracks more and
the house may be even knocked down. This is why a master calligrapher’s work usually
gives the viewers an overwhelming impression if s/he knows how to apply the
vertical force. This effect can be made clear
with the Center Tip Principle because a brush is required
to stay vertical and the brush tip should be centered during each stroke's
operation almost all the time.
the Tang Dynasty when Chinese calligraphy
reached its peak, calligraphers deeply stressed the criterion of “Wu Lo
Heng” for good works. Yen Jen-Ching used to explain this concept to the famous
Tsao Shu specialist Huai Su.
So they both inherited those secrets from Zhang
Shui and the other predecessors. Huai Su also pointed out the cracking effect
should look natural, not man-made or mechanical. (Please understand when we
write, we don’t want to tear or crack the paper. The above-mentioned ideal
effects are more in artistic and metaphysical senses rather than physical exertions. So don’t
pretend to generate those effects from literal explanation or without
comprehension of Chinese calligraphy theories.)