Presentation of Chinese Characters & Calligraphy 正體字推廣座談會

Renner Frankford Library

June 28, Sunday, 2:00PM - , 2015



Promotion and Recognition of Traditional Chinese Characters 正體字推廣座談會

June 28, Sunday, 2:00 - 3:30 PM, 2015 (We will try to extend to 4:15PM with the library's permission...)

Renner Frankford Library    座談會地點在 Renner Frankford 圖書館 

                    6400 Frankford Rd, Dallas, TX 75252   (214) 670-6100

Everyone Is Welcome

Free Admission & Gifts 免費入場與墨寶


Hosted by 主辦單位: 中華民國僑委會

Hua-Hsing Chinese School 華興中文學校



2:00-2:15 PM

or duration

15 min.






  Board of Director of Hua-Hsing                          Schoolmaster of Hua-Hsing Chinese School, Mily Lee

  華興中文學校董事長 牟呈華                                                 華興中文學校校長 孟敏寬


15 min.


Ken Rothey "Why I Prefer Traditional Chinese Characters?"

Interpreter and business adviser for President Bill Clinton when he visited China in 1990's.

Internationally acclaimed gastronome ( 美食家 ) and sinologist of Chinese culture, Mandarin, and dialects. Mr. Rothey lived in China for more than 10 years and he is publishing his book "Traveling to China, the Mid Land."



Shunbo Meng (wife of Ken Rothey), a calligrapher from Hubei Chinese Calligraphy Association.



25 minutes

Main Topic

How the Chinese Characters Revolutioned throughout History 

Main Speaker: Joshua Hough, founder who has participated in more than 100 Chinese Calligraphy demonstrations and events in North Texas ( Videos at )


Content of Presentation:

Overview of Evolutions of Chinese Characters: Five Major Styles of Chinese Characters in Calligraphy 

How the Simplified Chinese Characters Derived from Caoshu "Grass Style"

Why Chinese Is NOT One of the Most Difficult Languages to Learn - How to Overcome the Misconception

Interaction between audiences and speakers, questions and answers...

今天的主題 - 正體字的演化過程與文化傳承。









35 minutes or till the  end of today's event

Live Calligraphy Demonstration by Schoolmaster Meng, Mr. & Mrs. Rothey, and Joshua Hough

The audience may receive a free gift of Chinese calligraphy, either first name or a short phrase, written by those four calligraphers.




Mily Lee (Schoolmaster Meng) Ken Rothey Shunbo Meng Rothey Joshua Hough



Dallas Chinese Daily article and pictures






The library will use their flyer instead of the design by Schoolmaster Meng or me.



Joshua's List (for display only) TEMP: 

Calligraphy DICT; Caoshu DICT; 草書偏旁及字典

"Love without heart" modelbook; Painting Inscriptions; Beginners' modelbooks with "Double Standards"

Samples: red ink practices at least 6 / tapes


Bamboo paper; Red paper; water writing DEMO paper; card stock paper; 


Four Treasures; large felt


Class flyer or busi cards

Scrolls: Benevolence Longevity; (duplicating Crane Longevity); thin Essence Qi Spirit; transparent hooks; 

LONGEVITY comparisons: Unlimited Longevity...





Chinese Characters "Hanzi" & Calligraphy


Understand the authenticity and appreciate the beauty of Traditional Chinese Characters as practiced by Chinese calligraphers and treasured in Chinese cultures. This program also covers brief introduction about Chinese language system its invention, evolution, changes, and relationship with calligraphy and Chinese cultures.


TIME: June 28, 2015, Sunday 2:00 3:30PM

LOCATION: Renner Frankford Library

                    6400 Frankford Rd, Dallas, TX 75252
                   (214) 670-6100

SPEAKERS: Joshua Hough (Calligrapher) & Others

SPONSORS: Hua-Hsing Chinese School

                      Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan) 


FREE GIFTS: Calligraphy samples



















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All selected videos and pictures have been uploaded on 2014.xx.xx.