Chinese Calligraphy and (or) Painting Classes Tuition Plan @ DCCC 

華人活動中心 書法 / 國畫班

$15 per class x 12 classes = $180        一期12堂課 學費共 $180


Your Full Name 您的全名 (中英文皆可) : _____________________  

Contact: Email (required) _________________@___________   and/or Phone/Text Message: (      ) ______-_________

Date Paid 付費日期: ____________     

Good Through (Expired before our 15th class ends, 1st class is your date of payment.) 

12 passes will expire by the end of the 15th class offered. That is, 2 absences are allowed within a period of 15 classes. So during this 15-class period, you have 15 + 15 + 2 = 32 weekends to balance your own lifestyle, or enjoy practicing at home as well as in class.

有效截止日期 ( 付費日期後所開第15 ): ___________  

12 堂課必需在 15 堂課內使用完  ( 15 堂課內可缺席 2 次 )

Classes every other week listed at


Your 1st Class Starts (Date of Payment)


2nd Class

3rd Class

4th Class

5th Class

6th Class

7th Class

8th Class

9th Class

10th Class

11th Class

12th Class

13th Class

14th Class

15th Class

Please Keep Your Attendance Record


Your tuition plan will expire by end of the 15th class.


(概是7 個月)

Our classes are held every other Saturday. When you have paid your tuition, you need to come to class for 12 times before our 15th class ends. That means within 15-class period (usually 7 months or so), you have right to be absent for 2 classes only. If you miss more than 2 classes, unused classes will be expired.

For each student who joins our calligraphy and/or painting class, tuition payment of $180 is required by the end of the first class. Since we have classes every other week as listed at, when you pay $180, you will have to come to classes at least 12 times before our 15th class. If you come for less than 12 times before our 15th class ends, unused class will expire.

Please keep this signed copy as your record and pay attention to your expiration date even though Joshua does keep each student's attendance records during each class. Paid tuitions are not refundable. After you have used 12 classes, you may simply decide whether to continue to improve your techniques and pay $180 again.  

參加書法、國畫班的學生,每期學費按規定在第一堂課結束時付費。基本上,我們間隔一週上課 ( 上課日期列在  ) 7 個月內大概是開課15 。一學費之內,您可來上課 12 次。您所付一期學費的截止日期是付費日期後15堂課後。學費將不予退款。其他細節應該以網站內公佈的為準。雖然每次上課老師都有點名、記錄次數,請學生自行保管這張文件與留意負責自己一期學費的截止日期。


For a student who pays $180, please select one of the following gifts 付費的學生,請選擇一種禮物:

___  字帖 Calligraphy model book 

___  國畫範本 Painting book   

___  墨條 Ink stick                         ___  毛筆 Brush                             ___  或是讓老師決定 or Let Joshua suggest for you.


Your Payment Method 您的付費方式:

         ___ Cash 現金 $180                  ___ Check 支票 $180

         ___ Credit Card at (Very simple. Not required to set up a PayPal account.)

              網上信用卡 (請用您的手機刷卡。簡單方便迅速安全完全不需設立 Palpal ) 


Your Signature 您的簽名: _______________________________  Joshua's Signature 老師的簽名: _______________________________


老師用手機拍完後,你可自存收據。我們在12與重要國定假日,不予開課。你將於上課前的禮拜四收到上課電郵通知You will keep this copy as your receipt and to remember your expiration date. We will NOT have classes in December and national holidays. For all other details, please refer to where you can find almost anything you need to ask about our class.


For those who have had a free trial lesson, you will waive the right to receive a free gift.

若是新學生免費試課一次, 恕不再贈送禮物 ( 對其他學生公平起見 )